AUTOR Ref. 9788409393350
    Libro ilustrado sobre pensamiento critico aplicado a casos reales (historicos, cientificos).Critical thinkers have played a key role in the progress of humankind, combating ignorance, superstition, prejudices, myths, dogmas and injustice. Today, critical thinkers are needed more than ever to tackle ...
    Dimensions: 275 x 275 x 12 cm Peso: 300 gr
    23,00 €
  • Descripció

    • EAN / ISBN : 978-84-09-39335-0
    • Data d'edició : 01/05/2022
    • Any d'edició : 2022
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Ilustradors : ALTARRIBA, EDUARD
    • Número de pàgines : 52
    Libro ilustrado sobre pensamiento critico aplicado a casos reales (historicos, cientificos).

    Critical thinkers have played a key role in the progress of humankind, combating ignorance, superstition, prejudices, myths, dogmas and injustice. Today, critical thinkers are needed more than ever to tackle the same old challenges from the past, but in a new context, heavily influenced by new technologies. Manipulation, misinformation and surveillance are more common and widespread nowadays thanks to the internet, social media and artificial intelligence.

    Fortunately, there is cause for optimism, because critical thinking is a skill that can be taught and trained. This is the goal of this book: to inspire the youngest generations to think more critically, to be more curious and to keep questioning injustices and the status quo.

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